Before You Shop...
Please click here to read on our ordering system and payment methods to ensure a good and efficient shopping experience for you.
Kindly note that this is not a complete listing of our products. If you'd like to inquire about items not listed here, please feel free to call us at 8372-3944 to 48 local 122, or use any of the chat buttons below. We are on Facebook as well, and you can contact us there.
Tips on Handling Frozen Meat
Proper handling and storage of frozen products is important to ensure good quality products. Please read the article below to learn proper storage and thawing procedures.
MyOwn Meat Shop @ Instagram

Who We Are
MyOwn Meat Shop is a meat shop owned and operated by Sub-0 Foods Corporation, sister company of Mayon Consolidated, Inc.
The shop started out in 2005 with just 1 chest-type freezer and now has grown to a shop selling products that fill 14 freezers. Product brands include Luv-A-Duck (Australia), Saga Wagu (Japan), Kagoshima Wagyu (Japan), and Talley's (New Zealand).
Our Returns Policy
For our customers who opt to use delivery services such as Happy Move, LalaMove, and GrabExpress, we do not encourage returns and exchanges. This is due to the perishable nature of our goods, and for sanitation and food safety purposes. Also, once we have turned over the goods to the third-party delivery service, we no longer control how the goods have been handled. We will, however, take an extra step to ensure that the packaging is not defective and the product is fresh.
For customers who opt to pick-up from our stores, returns and exchanges are given on a case to case basis. Customer has 7 days to bring items to our store. Any product you return must still be frozen and in the original packaging. Please keep the receipt as proof of your purchase.